
Vsa forex forum


vsa forex forum

I tried searching the Babypips forums on discussions on this excluding those that are simply vsa to sell something instead of discussing VSA but did not find a vsa forum on the subject. I can't seem to find information on this. I'm reading Tom Williams books forum he often refers to conditions in the stock market which I am not sure will apply to forex. Yes forum are forums on other websites, but I prefer to the trusted gurus of babypips! There are no really worth wile threads here on that subject. I know ForexFactory has vsa few, but in all honesty I believe that Tom Williams book covers everything we need to know. Below are some links to posts I've made, don't know if they're of any help: I should add this: I've moved on and don't trade according to VSA methodology, BUT reading that book was how I finally understood vsa how and why the markets behave as they do. It's a must read IMHO. Isn't there a petefader sp? Posting my trades and forex I vsa them I will put together some more educational material on VSA in my thread. Well, looking at your later charts it's now hard to see price for all the squiggly lines. I wouldn't exactly say that you trade the original VSA method. I also look at larger TF, but I like the 5min for entry. As you forum know: I've just downloaded Tom Williams' book 'The Undeclared Secrets That Drive The Stock Forex. Odd isn't it i. I've downloaded it i. I've 'paid my dues' when it comes to buying books!!! I've only JUST started reading it but I thought that I just had to let you know that I found it 'uncanny' that within the very first pages the issues that I mention on that other thread are noted. I think you've made a good choice reading that book. Maybe forum necessarily the method itself, but the authors explanation of how it all works was like a light bulb switching on to me. Don't forget to have a serious look at the James16 way of trading. After the forex I've spent so far learning which is but a fraction of your time I've come to believe that there's no forum way to trade for me, than that. I must tell you that I'm about a third of the way through the book and there is some VERY SOBERING information in the first few chapters about market makers and professional traders and how THEY operate. I like the way it's explained too. Vsa did not manage to read MUCH more last night before going to bed BUT as I went to bed I kept feeling that I'd read about all of this before VSA. When I awoke it 'dawned on me'. This happens A LOT I'll tell you. I go to sleep with a 'trading issue' and awake with the possible solution. Maybe THAT'S my TRADING problem i. Either that or this business has slowly been pushing forex 'over the edge'!!! BILL Williams developed an indicator that I THINK is ACTUALLY BASED forum what we are NOW calling VSA. HE called it his 'Market Facilitation Index' or 'MFI'. Here is a link vsa a basic VERY basic description of his MFI:. Take a look and see what you think. I'm not saying that it IS VSA but it sure looks like an forex at VSA based on my reading of TOM Williams' book thus far. The 'kicker' is that BILL Williams developed this MANY years prior to vsa What I CAN tell you is this: I coded this indicator from forex BILL WILLIAMS BOOKS into my trading platform and spent many days assessing its merits. What I CAN tell you is that its signals are EXTREMELY accurate for stocks i. I cannot comment on its accuracy for forex pairs because I don't have ANY volume data for forex pairs on forum platform. I'd not bother with the REST of 'Chaos Theory' i. If I'm wrong about this then I apologise. The 'trick' is to know how to use it correctly!!! This type of information IS NOT something that a 'new trader' or anyone else without YEARS of experience for that matter is simply going to 'piece together' by staring at a chart all day!!! VSA does'nt work don't waste ur time Wyckoff was an exceptionally talented trader thats why he was successful not because of VSA. VSA is completely unproven this Tom Williams guy basically jut tries to sell you his software in his VSA book. He claims to use whyckoff'sprincipleas but it got him no where. The VSA gang at ff started out with a bang but now they've become so desperate they're trying to sell mentoring services. Despite knowing advertising for vsa services is against the rules at ff they've still gone ahead and advertised which just shows how desperate they are. Far be it from me to accept nor reject your statements as I don't know enough about Tom Williams or whatever it is that he or his 'gang' may or may not be trying to sell and I've also not finished reading this book either. I must say this though: Tom Williams does forum stellar job of explaining this relation I've not got to any part YET that's trying to sell me something but I'm sure it will come!!! Buying software and 'black box' systems and the like??? I've read Trading Chaos as vsa and am familiar with the MFI. I agree with you that MFI was out of place in that book. But the MFI is just an indicator mathematical abuse of past trading data with four possible outcomes. The MFI could for instance not tell apart an up thrust from an ordinary bar that fills the same criteria forum to MFI code, but that clearly isn't an up thrust when the human eye and brain looks at it. This is the weakness of all attempts to automate human interpretation, maybe someday when computers are smarter, but not in the foreseeable future. This is something that has become painfully clear to me - indicators cannot think, and trading successfully requires clever thinking and the kind of fuzzy decision logic that computer code is unable to do. Then it's up to my brain. Try to clear out the indicator thinking for a while Dale and give the forex action way a chance. Forex a completely different way of trading, there's no oscillator or something telling you what to do, you have to figure that out yourself, and that's hard at first but after a while you'll start thinking: I must have been stark mad. Look at RSI telling us to buy, when my own brain is clearly telling me that sell or stand aside are the only sensible options! Second, the book "The Forex Secrets That Drive The Stock Market" was written long before Tradeguider came into the picture. Your way of accusing Tom Williams is really kind of pathetic. The VSA people at FF all since the start seemed to have a love for cluttering their charts with indicators and messing things up, in spite of that there are several users there who trade successfully and have done so for years. VSA is certainly forex unproven and you claiming that shows that you have no clue. Like I've said before, Tom Williams book is a great read, but vsa necessarily for the VSA trading method. I know I shouldn't 'clutter' your thread but these two lines had me in absolute 'stitches':. Good luck with VSA believe me you'll need it unless of course you start selling ur VSA mentoring services which would be the smart thing to do but I doubt you can see that. In either case I think Raghee Horner would disagree with you, not to mention Linda Raschke and why not Tess and Jocelynn over att the ATT thread. Oh, well who cares about that thread? This is the relevant thread, still thriving: Good luck with VSA believe me forex need it unless of course you forum selling ur VSA mentoring services which would be the vsa thing to do but I doubt a block head like you can see that. This just shows what an infantile person you are. More than likely that reflects on your trading ability, which you of course will deny, but who cares. Oh, and by the way, luck has nothing to do with trading as far as I'm concerned. None the less I wish you good luck too, you might need it. Let's see what THIS book and THIS author has to say!!! Here is a link to a basic VERY basic description of his MFI: I know I shouldn't 'clutter' your thread but these two lines had me in absolute 'stitches': Or are you a girl yourself? Volume Spread Analysis Beginner Questions. Hello ol6mh, As you well know: Thanks for the recommendation. Hello, I must tell you that I'm about a third of the way through the book and there is some VERY SOBERING information in the first few chapters about market makers and professional traders and how THEY operate. Good Sunday morning, I did not manage to read MUCH more last forum before going to bed BUT as I went to bed I kept feeling that I'd read about all of this before VSA. I shall be reading Tom Williams further now. VSA does'nt work don't waste ur time Wyckoff was an exceptionally talented trader thats why he was successful not because of VSA VSA is completely unproven this Forex Williams guy basically jut tries to sell you his software in his VSA book. For heaven's sake don't get suckered into all this. Hello GirlsCantTrade Forum surprised you've not been 'lynched' with THAT login name yet LOL!!! The FIRST one is probably what ALL my trading systems are based on!!! Looks like the old guard got another new person banned. vsa forex forum

How to find VSA Trades in FOREX and Currency Futures

How to find VSA Trades in FOREX and Currency Futures

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