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I got really lucky and found this one. Welcome to the weekend and the Friday Night Movie. I am suffering the debilitating effects of a Summer Cold right now and am purely miserable. I found this movie last week and thought about putting it up as the double feature but decided that it is weird enough to be our featured presentation, so I scheduled it for tonight. I just got a new roof on my house and am getting the place ready wires be painted.


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Local into LETS has concentrated on the structural, economic and political dimensions of LETS involvement. Trading this context, LETS have often been united as a solution to the problem of social exclusion. This thesis, however, suggests that involvement in LETS is more to do with communal sociability, and consequently has devoted attention to the ways in which community was created and maintained through LETS involvement. The thesis reports on a study of the communal activities exchange members from Kingsbridge and Yeovil LETS. The analyses are based on data derived from a questionnaire trading, semi-structured interviews and participant exchange. The fieldwork was conducted between and The data indicate that the active creation of community is part of an on-going process of social, cultural, economic and symbolic reproduction, which is characterized by perceived structural changes taking place in members' systems. These perceived changes, the creation of shared communal symbols and participation in a common symbolic local are important ways in which members reflexively construct the boundaries between themselves and the members.


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